the baseball diaries
"Well, what's the use in complaining,
When you've got what you don't need?
Anyone would think you were hardened too,
What do you want me to believe?"
The Hit Parade!
23 hits, 16 runs, WOW!! And Leave it to Weaver found his way again, giving up only one run over 7 innings, dropping his ERA to 3.88. Too bad Fat Tire gave up to more. Doesn't matter when EVERY starter has a hit and/or a run scored. GM Juicer? WORD! 4 hits, the grand salami, and my respect. Cab Fare? G'd up! 4 hits, 2 ribbies, 4 runs scored, cab ride home with a hottie or 2... Krotch Gobbie? Yes, more where that came from! MoNapoli? Pass Go, collect $400. Sit 'N Sleep? He's one lazy ... . Which obviated Bladimir Guerrero's (say it like Jose Mota) bat. Hmm, "How many times can I get thrown out in a game?" he must've asked himself. Whatever, they ripped Boof and Mini-soda to pieces, wanting to do the same tonight as Lambo faces the hope of the white north, Scott Baker.
dil8d halo
"What the hell is happening?
I can't think of everything.
I don't know what day it is,
Or who I'm talking to..." -- New Order
Hello? Anyone there?
Lambo's complete game was awesome! The Angels hitting was terrific too, with MoNapoli going yard. It's great to see him hitting. And how about those two out ribi's? Tip top!!
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