Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Game 1 Hero - Just Inspire

Cousin Oliver decided to pitch like the despectacled tyke in the Brady Bunch, leaving Speier to come in and mop up his mess, Alice-style.


At 9:58 AM, Blogger dil8d halo said...

Justin pitched very well. It looks like the pyre should be built for Cousin Oliver though... How 'bout that Lackey? He struggled but got out of some tight spots. Crotch? Word. Vlad? Holla! Errors? What the heck? Catch the ball!!

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Anaheim RaiderHater said...

Ah, Opening Day victory!

There was some fielding blunders, but also some sharp plays and the pitching was mostly top-notch. A fine beginning in my opinion. I had trouble believing the season was actually here and failed to generate to generate much excitement in myself through March, but the moment that first pitch was tossed, everything clicked. I'm in mode now. Go Angels!

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Anaheim RaiderHater said...

"were" some blunders.

'Hater fell to a grammatical blunder.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger dil8d halo said...

Fo shizzle, welshboy...


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