Tuesday, April 03, 2007

the baseball diaries

How about that for an opener?! His Lackness was calm and collected even after allowing trouble, as he worked five strong innings to give up just one unearned run. Unearned because MoNapoli couldn't come up with a catch off a fly ball behind the plate. A couple pitches later Texas 2nd baseman, Ian Kinsler, smashed a homer to deep center. But the Angels were on the score sheet first as Vlad drove in Gary Matthews Juicer on a first pitch double to start his third season in a row with an rbi on his first at bat. In the 2nd Crotch Goblin stepped into one just beating Lofton in center and bouncing off the top of the wall for his first homer of the season. What an awesome start for him with two hits in his three ab's. Even Sit'n Sleep got in on the action late in the game roping a double then scoring on Che's single. The bullpen took over in the 6th, but Cousin Oliver was pointless. Just Inspire had to bail his butt out before Doug E. Fresh and Frod shut it down. All in all a very entertaining game and one which I didn't, at any point of the game, think that the Angels would lose.
Tonight the Halos continue vs. Texas and hope to win with Lambo facing off against Vicente "Fox" Padilla.
There were a couple miscues by MoNapoli and Gary Matthews Juicer which prompts to remind them that you gotta squeeze the balls if you wanna put out!
Man, I'm so glad baseball's back. There was this longing that was fulfilled last night. Another chance to go through all the ups and downs of a season. Another chance to root and to heckle. To have camaraderie with like minded people. This season is going to be fantastic!!
dil8d halo
I'll wait to see what happens to me,
Is this fiction or reality?
I'll try my best, but I can't confess,
Why instead of thinking I just took a guess...
-- the flood


At 2:26 PM, Blogger WiseAndEck said...

The Diaries are back! If memory serves me correct, this begins our/Tony's sixth season in which we talk about the previous nights' game, and for the first full season, it is available for the entire world to view. Here's hoping we get more than five readers before the season is through.

A couple quick points, as I was sitting in the Uecker seats for this one.

- Percy running out of the pen and then gunning a fastball into the mitt for the First Pitch was a sight for the ages. Too bad we were going up the elevator when this happened so we missed it.

- Lackey didn't look great out there but he gutted it out and did what a No. 1 starter should do. Montero Ortiz he is not.

- The Carl's Jr. Superstar of the game for the Angels has to go to Texas catcher Gerald Laird. He did NOTHING right. Two K's, a failed sac bunt, an error on MoNapoli's stolen base, etc. I'm glad he played so horribly.

- I'm really excited about this bullpen. Cousin Oliver looked bad, but it was two just two batters. With Pyre, Doug E. and Frod, it's a 6 inning game as far as I'm concerned.

At 2:56 PM, Blogger Anaheim RaiderHater said...

I am also happy with our bullpen, although I wouldn't mind seeing our starters average better than six innings this season. I know this is a pipe dream given our manage and our bullpen.

Juicer made a stupid error, but also had two fine plays. He's no doubt talented with the glove. Just pay attention!

Goblin's approach at the plate looks confident. I stand as a detractor ready and willing to be corrected.

Nice hit, Che. I still don't like you.

I know Howiewood will come around, but last night was a tough night for him at the plate.

Anyone else love hearing about Curt Schilling getting lit up? He tells his own story here:

At 3:28 PM, Blogger dil8d halo said...

Yes sir, SIX SEASONS! It all started in 2001 with some cheeky commentary and even cheekier responses. I love it!

Sheesh, Montero would be crying and sucking his thumb out there. Pyre was all over that pop-bunt. I like him and our chances with our bullpen, but I must say, I'd like to see our starters get to the 7th and 8th often. I know fatigue would be a huge consequence though.

Welcome to "Howiewood!"


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