less hip than bo jackson
Monday, October 08, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Game 1 ramblings

Well, Game 1 is done and in the books and it wasn't pretty. Josh Beckett humiliated our batters for nine innings and reassured all of us that our ineptitude at Fenway Park was no aberration, but would continue. Lackey looked Ramon Ortiz-esque for the first few innings, the bats were limp the entire game, and there is really nothing good to take from this game. My hatred for all things Red Sox only grows, but I fear they will once again have the last laugh. Could there be an more undeserving bunch of blowhards, low-lifes and arrogant bludgers than Boston fans?
On Friday, Lambo the Great takes the mound for the Halos. I don't think he will publicly urinate like Lack-less, but I am also not sure which Escobar will show up. The one who dominated for much of the season, or the one who struggled his last several starts before the playoffs? Matsuzaka will go for Boston, so will Scioscia give another bat a chance in Game 2? It is clear we need something. The broadcasters mentioned during the game last night that Coach S. will need to add some more pop to the lineup in the next game and to be fair, he doesn't have a lot of options. But he does have Morales and Rivera. With his experience and the short leftfield, I think he ought to put Rivera in there. In any case though, we know that Scioscia will only do what is best, so I have no worries.
Monday, October 01, 2007
How 'bout them Rockies?!

I just finished watching the Rockies game against San Diego. What a game! After the zany finish they have had, and the way the Padres have fallen apart, I was glad to see the Rockies pull it out. And in what grand fashion! I am also happy to see those good-hearted Denver fans filled with sincere excitement over their team. What a contrast to Padre fans. Boring fans for a boring team. A bunch of lousy fairweather fans and I say you get what you deserve. We all know the Padres would have just lain down in the playoffs, so this saves all of us baseball fans a worthless NLDS. Phillies-Rockies should be good.
I'm especially reminded that baseball is the best of all team sports. I enjoy soccer, football, and I've even been following the Rugby World Cup(!), but after all, there is nothing to match the tension and drama of a close baseball game. It's simply the best.
What's Say We Actually Beat Boston This Time?

I'm really getting tired of everything Boston. Papi, Manny, Papelbon, Youkilis, Coco, Tito, Bird, Belichick, Beckett, Henry, Luis Alicea, etc. Haha, actually, I have a soft spot for Alicea.
But seriously, how about we go to Boston on Wednesday and not crap our pants? How about we attack the Green Monster instead of being afraid of it? How about running on Varitek? How about punching every Angels reliever in the face to wake them up?
More Johnny Rivers, less Reggie and the Full Effect. More Just Inspire, less Doug E. Fresh.
And more importantly, more wins, less losses.
Go Angels, dangit!
Couldn't Have Happened to a Bigger Idiot

Scott Schoeneweis received six steroid shipments from Signature Pharmacy while playing for the White Sox in 2003 and 2004, ESPN is reporting.
Just keep kicking the Mets while they're down. The source who reviewed the invoices said that Schoeneweis spent $1,160 on the steroids. He received five packages from May 2003 through 2004, five of which contained testosterone and three of which contained stanozolol. Schoeneweis just finished the first year of his three-year, $10.8 million contract with the Mets. He had a 5.03 ERA in 59 innings.